
Namespace is a group of functions, classes, constants and variables.


  • Allow us to group related functions / classes
  • Prevent name clashes between different parts of code
  • Allow us to hide implementation details

Namespaces are open, i.e. you can define different members of the namespace in different files.

namespace ui
    class Button;

using namespace

using namespace std brings all the names from the std namespaces in the the current scope - namespace, function, block.

using namespace

It is a really bad practice to use using namespace at anything but function or block level in headers.

You never know where this header is going to be included.

using namespace

It is a good practice to avoid using namespace at anything but function or block level.

Otherwise the names may clash in a unity build

unity build

Building the whole program/library from a single (or reduced number of) translation units. It is implemented as #include-ing multiple C++ source files in a single C++ file and compiling it instead of the original files.

unity build

  • speeds up build by reducing
    • template instantiation duplicates
    • functions that need to be linked
  • allows the compiler to inline more functions (because their definitions are visible)

Anonymous namespaces

  • namespace without a name
  • allow private definitions for a translation unit
    • definitions in anonymous namespaces are global for the translation unit
    • they can not be accessed by any other translation unit
namespace {
    int aswer();

Argument Dependent Lookup (ADL)

  • a.k.a Koenig Lookup


What is the interface of a type T?

  • public methods of T
  • any function that takes T as an argument

Unqualified call

Calling a function without explicitly specifying the namespace of the function.

The compiler searches matching function declarations for an unqualified call in the current namespace and in the associated namespaces of each argument type for the call

namespace math {
    class Polynom {
    std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& output,
        const Polynom& p)
        // ...
    void swap(Polynom& l, Polynom& r);

int main() {
    Polynom p;
    // finds the operator << in math
    std::cout << p << std::endl;

use function trick

  • bring a set of definitions from a namespace to the current scope
  • use an unqualified call for the function
template <typename T, typename A, typename I>
void fast_erase(std::vector<T, A>& v, I iterator)
    // bring all std swap overloads
    using std::swap;
    // ADL finds math::swap(Polynom&, Polynom&)
    swap(*iterator, v.back());

std::vector<Polynom> v;

fast_erase(v, v.begin());

Associated namespaces

  • primitive types have no associated namespaces
  • the associated namespace of user defined type T are:
    • the namespace where T is defined
    • the namespaces of T base classes