Just-In-Time Compilation

Just-In-Time Compilation in theory and practice.


Just-In-Time compilation


  • Interpreters are slow
  • Flexibility
  • Optimization


Adding two numbers in an interpreter requires:

  1. loading the instruction
  2. decoding the instruction
  3. dispatching the opcode
  4. doing the addition
  5. storing the result

All is actually 2 instructions on a x86_64 CPU

; rax = rbx + rcx
mov rax, rbx
add rax, rcx


  • generate native code only for functions that will affect performance
  • generate for the actual target CPU, instead of distributing binaries


  • All function arguments can be treated as constants
    • constant propagation everywhere
  • unroll loops
  • remove branches
  • remove runtime dispatches (virtual methods)
  • remove property lookups

What we need

  • Executable memory
  • Generate code
  • Execute code

Executable memory

  • Why
  • Security concerns

Create executable memory Linux

virtualCodeAddress = mmap(

Create executable memory Windows

auto const buffer = VirtualAlloc(nullptr, page_size, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
VirtualProtect(buffer, code.size(), PAGE_EXECUTE_READ, &dummy);

Create executable memory other platforms

  • Consoles
  • Mobile
  • Micro controllers

How to create and execute code

typedef unsigned (*asmFunc)(void);

unsigned char * memory = (unsigned char *) (virtualCodeAddress);
// mov %rdi, %rax
memory[i++] = 0x48;           // REX.W prefix
memory[i++] = 0x8b;           // MOV opcode, register/register
memory[i++] = 0xc7;           // MOD/RM byte for %rdi -> %rax
// ret
memory[i++] = 0xc3;           // RET opcode
((asmFunc) (virtualCodeAddress))();

Generate code

  • Code generation takes time.
  • The more optimized code, the more time it takes

JIT tiers

Most VMs have tiers that allow to trade off between latency and throughput.

  • latency - how soon the VM starts executing your code
  • throughput - how fast the VM executes your code

JIT tiers

VMs have more than two tiers, but they are levels between the two extremes

  • baseline
    • no optimizations
    • can handle every possible type
    • profiling code to detect what needs to optimization and how to optimize it
  • optimized
    • highly specialized for certain types and parameters
    • fallback when it can’t handle the provided types or parameters

Template JIT

Every opcode can be translated to machine code snippet, possibly with changeable registers for inputs and outputs.

  • can work on the AST level as well, no explicit need for bytecode

Template JIT

The program can be translated to machine code by concatenating all the snippets for the opcodes, possibly with other snippets that make sure that input and output registers are matching.

Full scale compiler

  • SSA
  • Constant propagation
  • Register allocation
  • Compiler optimizations
    • branch elimination
    • loop unrolling
    • inlining
    • vectorization
    • de-virtualization

Template JIT

function add_answer(x) {
    return x + 42;

func add_answer
const 1, 42
add 2, -1, 1
ret 2

    push    rbp # save the current call frame
    mov     rbp, rsp # create a new call frame
    mov     dword ptr [rbp - 4], edi # spill first argument to stack
    mov     eax, dword ptr [rbp - 4]
    add     eax, 42
    pop     rbp # clean up our frame

ASM prolog() {
    return ASM(["push rbp", "mov rbp, rsp"]);

ASM add(Reg a0, Reg a1, Reg a2) {
    return ASM(["mov a0, a1", "add a0, a2"]).set(a0, a1, a2);

    lea     eax, [rdi + 42]

Floating point
        .long   0x42280000
    push    rbp
    mov     rbp, rsp
    movaps  xmm1, xmm0
    movss   xmm0, dword ptr [rip + .LCPI0_0] # xmm0 = mem[0],zero,zero,zero
    movss   dword ptr [rbp - 4], xmm1
    addss   xmm0, dword ptr [rbp - 4]
    pop     rbp

Calling convention

  • Standard
    • allows easier calling into functions compiled in the runtime or existing libraries
  • Custom
    • allows easier mapping into the language and VM implementation


Foreign Function Interface

FFI allows calls from the VM to functions in existing libraries, written in other languages, most importantly C and OS functions.

To x86_64 and back

Translate Spasm calling convention to x86_64 and back

For simplicity, lets assume that spasm works with integer numbers instead of floating point.

X86_64 calling convention

  • depends on OS - MS Windows is different from the rest
  • System V AMD64 APIB
    • Pass first six integer arguments into RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX, R8, R9
    • Result into RAX

  • push all arguments passed through registers onto the stack
  • push the number of arguments on to the stack
  • set RDX to point to the top of the stack

  • Push new registers onto the stack as they are created

  • Make all the opcode JIT code work with RCX, R8 and R9

  • Translate Spasm negative registers to positive offsets from RDX

    • make sure to skip rbp, r15 stored on the stack
  • Translate Spasm positive registers to negative offsets from RDX

The native stack grows towards lower addresses!


For each opcode

  1. Move its operands from stack to RCX, R8, R9
  2. Insert the machine code for the opcode
  3. Move the result from RCX to the spasm register on the stack

  • move from spasm result register to rax
  • restore the stack frame
  • ret


How to handle vararg functions?

func add_answer
const 1, 42
add 2, -1, 1
ret 2

JIT - Prolog

push    rbp # save the current call frame
mov     rbp, rsp # create a new call frame
push    r15
mov     r15, rsp # keep the stack pointer (or do lots of pop in the end)
push    r9
push    r8
push    rcx
push    rdx
push    rsi
push    rdi
push    1
mov     rdi, rsp

JIT - Body
mov [rdi - 8], 42 # 8 -> sizeof(vm_value) # const 1, 42

mov r8, [rdi + 8] # load operands
mov r9, [rdi - 8]

mov rcx, r8 # add
add rcx, r9

mov [rdi - 16], rcx # store result

JIT - Epilog
mov eax, [rdi - 16]
mov rsp, r15
pop r15
pop rbp

Code generators
