Objects in the virtual machine
Representing objects inside the virtual machine.
Objects in the VM
- JavaScript Language Features
- Getting properties
- Objects
- Optimizations
- Talking to the world
JavaScript Language Features
We will be discussing only EcmaScript 3 inheritance.
- Prototype-based inheritance
- Everything is an object
JavaScript is dynamically typed, so inheritance is about properties
Property access
When looking-up a property in a object:
- Look for the property in the object, if not found
- Look for the property in the object’s prototype, if not found
- Look for the property in the object’s prototype’s prototype …
Value GetProperty(object, name) {
Value result = object.GetProps().GetProperty(name);
while (result == undefined && object.GetPrototype()) {
object = object.GetPrototype();
result = object.GetProps().GetProperty(name);
return result;
We need to map from string to a value.
struct Properties
typedef std::unordered_map<StringValue* name, Value> PropertyMap;
PropertyMap m_Props;
Value GetProperty(StringValue* name) {
const auto i = m_Props.find(name);
return i != m_Props.end()? i->second : Value::kUndefined;
Settting a property?
Set on the object directly
void SetProperty(Object* object, StringValue* name,
Value value)
object->GetProps().Set(name, value);
struct Object {
Value GetProperty(StringValue* name);
Object* GetPrototype() { return m_Prototype; }
Properties& GetProps() { return m_OwnProps;}
Object* m_Prototype;
Properties m_OwnProps;
Inline Cache
Skip the name look up for a property at the place where the look is done
var s = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
s += strings[i].length; // << Here is the interesting part
getprop $t, $strings, $i
getprop $r, $t, "length" // Goes in to the runtime and does the hash lookup
add $s, $s, $r
getprop $t, $strings, $i
if (typeof $t == "string") {
$r = getfast($t, 0); // (size_t*)(*t+8);
} else {
getprop $r, $t, "length"
Hidden structures
Enhancing Value
Value Value::toString(Spasm* vm) const
case Number:
// ...
Value Value::getProperty(Spasm* vm, Value key) const
case Number:
// ...
- lots of duplication
- lots of casting
Visitor again
template <typename V>
typename V::ResultType Visit(V& v) {
case Number: return v.Visit(get_double());
case Null: return v.VisitNull();
case Undefined: return v.VisitUndefined();
case String: return v.Visit(get_string());
// ...
struct ToStringVisitor
typedef Value ResultType;
Value Visit(double d) const;
Value VisitUndefined() const;
Value VisitNull() const;
Value Visit(const StringValue& value) const;
Value Visit(const ArrayValue& value) const;
Value Visit(const ObjectValue& value) const;
Value Visit(const FunctionValue& value) const;
Talking to the world
typedef Value (*Function)(Value thisObject, Value function, Value* args,
size_t count, Value* exception)
typedef Value (*Getter)(Value thisObject, StringValue* name,
Value* exception);
typedef void (*Setter)(Value thisObject, StringValue* name, Value value,
Value* exception);
Property descriptors
Special kind of object that has:
struct PropertyDescriptor {
Getter m_Getter;
Setter m_Setter;