Objects in the virtual machine

Representing objects inside the virtual machine.


Objects in the VM


  1. JavaScript Language Features
  2. Getting properties
  3. Objects
  4. Optimizations
  5. Talking to the world

JavaScript Language Features

We will be discussing only EcmaScript 3 inheritance.

  1. Prototype-based inheritance
  2. Everything is an object


JavaScript is dynamically typed, so inheritance is about properties


Property access

When looking-up a property in a object:

  1. Look for the property in the object, if not found
  2. Look for the property in the object’s prototype, if not found
  3. Look for the property in the object’s prototype’s prototype …

Value GetProperty(object, name) {
    Value result = object.GetProps().GetProperty(name);
    while (result == undefined && object.GetPrototype()) {
        object = object.GetPrototype();
        result = object.GetProps().GetProperty(name);
    return result;


We need to map from string to a value.

struct Properties
    typedef std::unordered_map<StringValue* name, Value> PropertyMap;
    PropertyMap m_Props;

    Value GetProperty(StringValue* name) {
        const auto i = m_Props.find(name);
        return i != m_Props.end()? i->second : Value::kUndefined;

Settting a property?

Set on the object directly

void SetProperty(Object* object, StringValue* name,
                 Value value)
    object->GetProps().Set(name, value);


struct Object {
    Value GetProperty(StringValue* name);
    Object* GetPrototype() { return m_Prototype; }
    Properties& GetProps() { return m_OwnProps;}

    Object* m_Prototype;
    Properties m_OwnProps;


Inline Cache

Skip the name look up for a property at the place where the look is done

var s = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < strings.length; ++i) {
    s += strings[i].length; // << Here is the interesting part

getprop $t, $strings, $i
getprop $r, $t, "length" // Goes in to the runtime and does the hash lookup
add $s, $s, $r

getprop $t, $strings, $i
if (typeof $t == "string") {
    $r = getfast($t, 0); // (size_t*)(*t+8);
} else {
    getprop $r, $t, "length" 

JSC impl

Hidden structures


Enhancing Value

  • toString
  • getProperty
  • setProperty


Value Value::toString(Spasm* vm) const
        case Number:
        // ...


Value Value::getProperty(Spasm* vm, Value key) const
        case Number:
        // ...


  • lots of duplication
  • lots of casting

Visitor again

template <typename V>
typename V::ResultType Visit(V& v) {
        case Number: return v.Visit(get_double());
        case Null: return v.VisitNull();
        case Undefined: return v.VisitUndefined();
        case String: return v.Visit(get_string());
        // ...


struct ToStringVisitor
    typedef Value ResultType;

    Value Visit(double d) const;
    Value VisitUndefined() const;
    Value VisitNull() const;
    Value Visit(const StringValue& value) const;
    Value Visit(const ArrayValue& value) const;
    Value Visit(const ObjectValue& value) const;
    Value Visit(const FunctionValue& value) const;

Talking to the world

typedef Value (*Function)(Value thisObject, Value function, Value* args,
        size_t count, Value* exception)

typedef Value (*Getter)(Value thisObject, StringValue* name,
        Value* exception);

typedef void (*Setter)(Value thisObject, StringValue* name, Value value,
        Value* exception);

Property descriptors

Special kind of object that has:

struct PropertyDescriptor {
    Getter m_Getter;
    Setter m_Setter;
