Overview of parsers and how to create and use them.
3. Parsing
- CFG and PEG
- Visitor pattern
- Hand-crafted parsers
Recognizes the rules of the language and builds the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of the program from the stream of tokens.
The grammar of a languages defines the structure of correct sentences and how to derive their meaning.
Context Free Grammars are:
- formal grammars - they describe all the strings in a formal language
- context free - there is only one non-terminal on left hand side of each rule
CFG for arithmetic expressions
<expr> ::= <expr> <op> <expr> | (<expr>) | <term>
<op> ::= + | - | * | /
<term> ::= [0-9]+
Does this grammar allow for operator precedence? (No, more later)
Terminals and Non-terminals
The grammar has two alphabets:
- Terminals - symbols in the strings of the language, only on right side of rules
- Non-terminals - stand on left side in each rule and can be used on the right side
Terminals and Non-terminals
In the expression grammar:
- terminals - ( ) + - * / 0-9
- non-terminals - expr, op, term
Backus-Naur Form - BNF
Notation for describing context-free grammars.
<expr> ::= <expr> <op> <expr> | "(" <expr> ")" | <term>
<op> ::= "+" | "-" | "*" | "/"
<term> ::= <digit> | <digit><term>
<digit>::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
Extended Backus-Naur Form - EBNF
Extended BNF for more compact represenation of grammars. There are different specifications for EBNF, but they have the same power, just different syntax.
expr = expr , op , expr | "(" , expr , ")" | term op = "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" term = { digit } digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"
Parser Expression Grammars are similar to CFG, but are more convenient for parsing, since the choice operator is not ambiguous.
- the choice operator is
) and it is not commutative - CFG allows selecting any matching variant and can have more than one parse
- parsing algorithms try to resolve this by extra rules
- PEG prioritizes the variants in the order that they are written.
<expr> ::= <sum>
<sum> ::= <prod> ([+-] <prod>)*
<prod> ::= <value> ([*/] <value>)*
<value> ::= [0-9]+ / '(' <expr> ')'
- That is a CFG as well, so for some grammars there is no difference.
- Some languages can be expressed only with ambiguous grammars.
Where the else
<if> ::= if <expr> <stmnt> else <stmnt>
/ if <expr> <stmnt>
if x0 if x1 s1 else s2
if x0 { if x1 s1 } else s2 // 1
if x0 { if x1 s1 else s2 } // 2
- CFG - it is ambiguous
- PEG - 2 - because it is the first option
function answer() {
return 6*7;
- keyword:
- identifier:
- symbol:
- symbol:
- symbol:
- keyword:
- number: 6
- symbol:
- number: 7
- symbol:
- symbol:
Abstract Syntax Tree (AST)
Concrete Syntax tree (CST)
- aka Parse Tree
- aka Derivation Tree
The tree that starts from the grammar inital non-terminal and generates a string in the language.
Abstract vs Concrete
AST differ from CST because superficial distinctions of form, unimportant for translation, do not appear in AST.
We will be focusing solely on AST, since it is used for translation and it easy to skip the CST and generate directly AST.
Creating an AST
Most implementations use a common base class for each Node type and a derived class for each specific node
struct Node { virtual ~Node() = 0; };
typedef std::unique_ptr NodePtr;
Node for a for
struct ForNode : Node {
virtual ~ForNode() override = default;
NodePtr m_Init;
NodePtr m_Condition;
NodePtr m_Increment;
NodePtr m_Body;
Using the AST
- Compilers use the AST a lot to:
- remove syntactic sugar
- optmize
- generate IR or code
- It makes sense to be able to execute different code on the AST
How to work with the AST?
- a
method for each operation? - a recursive function (or a stack) with
for each node type?
No, adding a new algorithm or a node will be difficult in both cases.
Visitor pattern
Represent an operation to be performed on elements of an object structure.
Visitor lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it operates.
Visitor in C++
struct NodeVisitor {
virtual ~NodeVisitor() = 0;
virtual Visit(IfNode& node) = 0;
virtual Visit(ForNode& node) = 0;
// etc
- There must be overloads for all the Node types.
- It is expected that the nodes change very rarely, while new visitors are constantly added.
struct NodeVisitor;
struct Node {
virtual ~Node() = 0;
virtual void Visit(NodeVisitor& visitor) = 0;
Node for a for
struct ForNode : Node {
virtual ~ForNode() override = default;
virtual void Visit(NodeVisitor& visitor) override {
NodePtr m_Init;
NodePtr m_Condition;
NodePtr m_Increment;
NodePtr m_Body;
AST in JSImpl
Macro iterators
Variadic Templates
C++Future - metaclasses
Visitor in JSImpl
Parsing algorithms
There a lot of algorithms for parsing grammars, with different time / memory tradeoffs
The algorithms can be:
- top-down or bottom-up
- left-most derivation or right-most derivation
Most of the algorithms require making the grammar follow a specific form and then explain how to create a parser for the language.
Parsing algorithms
- Recursive descent parsing
- Operator-precedence parsing
- Pratt parsing - top-down operator-precedence parsing
- Packrat parsing
- LL
- LR
These are the major grammar forms and parsing algorithms. While they are not exactly the same in terms of algorithms and power.
{{< note >}}
- First three are easy to implement by hand, the last three are better generated.
- Pratt parsing is a mix between recursive descent and operator-precedence.
{{< /note >}}
Hand-crafted parser
Disclaimer: It is possible to write every parser manually, but we’ll be discussing:
- top-down AKA recursive-descent parsers
- operator precedence parser
When we get to generated parsers, will be discussing bottom-up parsers as well.
Hand-crafted parser
How to write a hand-crafted parser?
- Start with a grammar
- For each Non-terminal E write a function that parses it and generates AST for it.
How to parse a Non-terminal
for each rule that has E as a symbol on the left, make a case in the function that parser the rule.
- ‘|’ is translated to
or check whether a subexpression has been parsed. *
(repeats) are translated towhile (match(XXX))
- Non-terminals are translated to calls to their functions
- terminals are translated to
Where XXX
is a token (aka terminal).
Math expression example
<expr> ::= <sum>
<sum> ::= <prod> ([+-] <prod>)*
<prod> ::= <value> ([*/] <value>)*
<value> ::= [0-9]+ / '(' <expr> ')'
Handling precedence
The higher the precedence -> the lower in the tree
Lower precedence non-terminals generate higher ones
<sum> ::= <prod> ([+-] <prod>)* <prod> ::= <value> ([*/] <value>)*
Handling associativity
Left associative operators go deep (loop) on the left
Right associative operators go deep (loop) on the right
Or can be handled in the parser
<sum> ::= <prod> [+-] <prod> | <sum> [+-] <prod>
Recursive descent
// <expr> ::= <sum>
AST parse_expr() {
return parse_sum();
// <sum> ::= <prod> ([+-] <prod>)*
AST parse_sum() {
AST left = parse_prod();
auto token = next_token();
while (token == '+' || token == '-') {
AST right = parse_prod();
left = make_op(token, left, right);
return left;
// <prod> ::= <value> ([*/] <value>)*
AST parse_prod() {
AST left = parse_value();
auto token = next_token();
while (token == '*' || token == '/') {
AST right = parse_value();
left = make_op(token, left, right);
return left;
// <value> ::= [0-9]+ / '(' <expr> ')'
AST parse_value() {
auto token = next_token();
if (token == NUMBER) {
return make_number(token);
else if (token == '(') {
AST expr = parse_expr();
return expr;
throw error;
Operator precedence
int precedence(token) {
switch (token) {
case EOF: return 0;
case '(': return 2;
case ')': return 5;
case '+':
case '-': return 10;
case '*':
case '/': return 20;
AST parse_expr() {
stack<AST> output;
stack<Token> operators;
do {
auto token = next_token();
handle_token(token, output, operators);
} while (token != EOF);
AST result =;
return result;
void handle_token(token, output, operators) {
if (token == NUMBER) {
} else {
handle_operator(token, output, operators);
void handle_operator(token, output, operators) {
auto prec = precedence(token);
while (!operators.empty() &&
(precedence( >= prec)) {
if (token == ')') {
assert( == '(');
} else if (token != EOF) { // '(' or an operator
void output_tree(Token operator, output) {
auto rhs =;
auto lhs =;
output.push(make_op(operator, lhs, rhs));
Most hand-written parsers use combination of recursive descent and operator precendence for expression for better performance when parsing expressions.
Extend the xxx2html tool to:
- Produce pretty-printed html
- bonus: support line length limit
- Produce html where functions have their background colored depending on cyclomatic complexity ranging from light green to light read.
- Produce html where control structures can be collapsed.
Do only one of these.