Implementation of Programming Languages

FMI 2022

Who are we?

  • Martin Dobrev
  • Dimitar Trendafilov

What is this?

What we are going to talk about?

  • programming languages
  • compilers
  • interpreters
  • virtual machines
  • garbage collectors

What are we not going to talk about?

  • virtualization of computer systems
  • The theory of regular expressions and context free grammars
  • compiler optimizations

What are you going to learn about?

  • how a programming language works
  • how to implement
    • a compiler
    • an interpreter
    • a virtual machine for a language
  • how programs in dynamically typed and statically type languages are executed
  • how to automatically reclaim memory

How are WE going to learn about VMs?

We are going to study and enhance a JavaScript interpreter.

  • JSImpl

Design goals for the JSImpl

  • understandable
  • working
  • extendable
  • embeddable

How you are going to be graded?

  • 50% mid-term test
  • 50% course project

Projects will be individual and there will be simpler and complex projects.


A few sample of projects are:

  • create a Lua interpreter based on JSImpl with generational, incremental garbage collector
  • create an AOT compiler for JavaScript
  • create a static analyzer or a code refactoring tool


  • There will be homework assignments that will give you points.
  • The assignments will be similar to the final projects, but simpler
  • You don’t have to do them, but if you do - you can choose a simpler project at the end of the semester and still get 100%.


  • Homeworks will be announced at the end of a lecture
  • In two weeks on the lecture we will discuss the best homeworks
  • You can submit the homework at any moment
    • doing that after the two weeks, you will score less points
  • Submitting your homework is done by issuing a pull request


Sample homeworks

  • a minifier (with variable renaming, tree-shaking, etc)
  • an obfuscator
  • a beautifier
  • a linter that detects usage of global variables, code complexity, etc
  • code browser that allows for searching where a variable is defined and used
  • transpiler

Pull Requests

You can make pull requests against the repository and get points based on their contribution.

  • you can fix typos
  • you can extend the VM we are implementing in a meaningful way
    • i.e. add source location information to the AST

Pull Requests

  • Follow the pull request template
  • Add your faculty number in the description

What are the requirements?

  1. Will to learn and time to experiment and write code
  2. Programming with C++, fluent in C++ will be better
  3. Programming with JavaScript or other dynamic language
  4. Data structures
  5. Languages, Finite Automata, Computability
  6. How computers work - CPU, memory hierarchy, etc

Contents of the course

1. Introduction

  1. Course information
  2. Programming languages
  3. Architectures of
    • compilers
    • interpreters
    • virtual machines

2. Lexers

How to recognize the words of a language?

  1. What is a lexer?
  2. How to write one?
  3. How to use flex

3. Parser

How to recognize the sentences of a language?

  1. What is a parser?
  2. How to write a parser?
  3. How to use bison

4. AST

Abstract Syntax Tree

  1. How to grow one?
  2. What to do with it?
  3. Evaluating the syntax tree
  4. Transforming the syntax tree

5. Bytecode

  1. Bytecode design
  2. Bytecode generation
  3. Bytecode interpretation

6. VMs

Virtual machines

  1. What is a virtual machine?
  2. Implementing the language features in the VM
    • Library - arrays, hash maps, etc
    • OOP
    • Exception handling
  3. Communicating with the “real” machine

7. GC

Garbage collection

  1. How to manage the resources in a language
    • manual
    • automatic
  2. Garbage Collection algorithms
    • “conservative, generational and incremental” - will start to have meaning for you

8. JIT & AOT code generation

  1. Machine code and generation
  2. Just in Time
  3. Ahead of Time


AST3, 4
Bytecode5, 6
VM7, 8, 9
GC10, 11
JIT & AOT11, 12, 13



Real world virtual machines:

  • V8, SpiderMonkey, JavaScriptCore, ChakraCore
  • duktape
  • lua, luajit
  • cPython, PyPy
